Manual vs. Electric Toothbrushes
Many people ask my opinion of using manual vs. electric toothbrushes, so I decided to write a blog addressing this subject. Brushing for the same amount of time, the electric toothbrush will be more effective at removing plaque than a regular toothbrush. That being said, it doesn't mean a regular toothbrush can't be as effective at removing plaque. It will take more time and effort on your part.
Children especially benefit from using an electric toothbrush. My personal favorite is the Oral-B Braun electric toothbrush. Kids' use of an electric toothbrush makes up for their lack of skill and motivation when brushing! Electric toothbrushes are very effective for folks wanting to remove teeth staining.
There are a couple downsides to electric toothbrushes. Most importantly, you need to be careful to move the brush lightly over each tooth, not spending too much time on each one. Because of the rotation of the brushes, you can damage your gums if you are too aggressive. Be sure to purchase the highest quality and softest bristle heads available. Also, the heads need to be replaced as often as your regular brush, every three months. If you're on a budget this can be pricey! If you are in need of a complimentary toothbrush, stop by our office! We'd love to meet you!